香港知名建筑与室内设计师、思联建筑设计有限公司(CL3)创办人林伟而先生,在第二届香港国际设计家品展 (IDFFHK 2017) 首次展出「Das Haus Asia’s “18m²”」,呈献一个总面积为 18 平方米的胶囊式生活空间,其中包括完整的两个卧室、一个厨房与一个洗手间,旨在针对香港逼仄的住屋环境问题,激发创意解决方案。

Hong Kong faces one of the toughest challenges to house its people. As land and construction prices soar, developers result to Nano dwelling, and 18m² seems to be setting a new record for the tiniest fully equipped “apartment”, raising many eyebrows.
“18m²” is a living capsule with a floor area of 18m², and a height of 3.8m. Within this capsule, I equipe a model house with 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom by creatively looking at the area not as a flat surface but as 3 dimensional space.
I hope that this installation will inspire a more creative solution to Hong Kong’s housing problem.”
– William Lim, founder of CL3 Architects.